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Vista ComfortWear Soft Stitch Covering - 7x7" - 100 pieces is a soft, ultra-lightweight and stretchy fusible backing typically used to protect sensitive skin from scratchy embroidery stitches. Excellent choice for baby clothes.
While not actually a stabilizer, Vista ComfortWear is often used on delicate fabrics such as silk or satin, or open weaves such as lightweight cotton, to help prevent unraveling, shredding, or distortion of the embroidery design.
Vista ComfortWear Fusible Stitch Covering can be applied using moderate heat, so it is safe for most delicate fabrics.
Note: Test delicate fabrics for heat tolerance before using ComfortWear. Store ComfortWear in an airtight container to prevent breakdown of fusing material, especially in areas with extreme heat, cold, or humidity.
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