D. Sola


Niche Marketing A Business

Niche Marketing A Business If you’ve ever walked into a room filled with custom apparel decorators passionately discussing their craft, you’ve probably heard them use the word ‘’niche’’ a lot. But maybe… you’ve never really known (or fully understood) what they mean by that. No judgment here. Truth be told, the term ‘’niche’’ can be

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Embroidery Grip — The Solution To Gripping & Holding The Unhoopable

Embroidery Grip — The Solution To Gripping & Holding The Unhoopable We’ve got a simple but tricky question for you, dear reader: how do you embroider something that’s difficult to hoop? If nothing comes to your mind, let us give you a hint: Embroidery Grip. It’s the answer to gripping and holding the unhoopable. Now,

Embroidery Grip — The Solution To Gripping & Holding The Unhoopable Read More »

What Running an Actual Heat Transfer Vinyl Business Looks Like on a Daily Basis

What Running an Actual Heat Transfer Vinyl Business Looks Like on a Daily Basis What if you could step behind the curtain… and… see for yourself what it’s like to run an actual heat transfer vinyl business? Like, really step into the shoes of a custom product decorator and experience the daily routines and operations

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