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This is one of the top questions from small businesses looking to break into the t-shirt business. For many up-and-coming businesses, a t-shirt printer is the backbone of their company. With a variety of printing methods and printer options, it’s easy to get lost in all the features, yet potential profit and return on investment are the factors that showcase success.
Let’s compare two of Roland’s line of printers: the Roland BY-20, and the Roland BN2 Series. Both printers are famous for incredible print speeds and high-definition transfers. Each of these printers excels at creating t-shirts, hoodies, tote bags, and many other items, but which one has the greatest return on investment? Let’s break down the return on investment between the Roland BY-20 and BN2 Series of printers.
The main attraction for many customization businesses are t-shirts. The Roland BY-20 and BN2 Series use different methods and inks for customizing t-shirts. This can cause some variation in the cost per print, even when using the same blanks. Let’s review the Roland BY-20’s return on investment with t-shirts.
The biggest thing to address here is the cost of material and ink. Both these printers can print the same number of transfers, but the BY-20 will do it much cheaper.
This is where a DTF printer, like the Roland BY-20, shines over the BN2 series. Bringing a 50-cent decrease in material/ink costs per transfer adds up fast. An hour of printing with the BY-20 means nearly $50 in savings alone. There’s no contest in saying that the BY-20 has a greater ROI when printing t-shirts.
Let’s move on to another example. Along with apparel, DTF Printers can also customize items like tote bags. That makes it an easy addition to any DTF business. Let’s go over the Roland BY-20’s return on investment with tote bags.
This data paints an even more insightful picture than with printing t-shirts. With printing a larger design for a tote bag vs a t-shirt, the gap in the cost to print grows.
With the BY-20, the cost of ink and media per transfer drops by half. With a production run of 30 large transfers, these savings add up to a nearly $40 increase in profit. For tote bags, the answer is simple, the BY-20 is cheaper to run and will make more money.
Another excellent way to calculate the return on investment (ROI) is using DG Connect. DG Connect is an optional mobile app that connects directly with both the BY-20 and the BN2 Series.
Using this connection, this app can generate several important factors for determining the BY-20’s potential ROI:
Utilizing this information makes DG Connect an excellent tool for any business. With DG Connect and the Roland BY-20, planning out print jobs has never been easier.
Final Results
The BY-20 will make you more money than the BN2 series for one reason: operating costs. With many t-shirt printing machines, the cost of ink and supplies is significant.
That makes any opportunity to lower costs or improve supply lifespans a game-changer.
In every print job between these two printers, the BY-20 can match the quality and production of the BN2 series. Not only is the quality consistently matched, but the ink and material costs are cheaper. The less spent on printing means more money in your pocket.
So, when deciding on a t-shirt printer, the Roland BY-20 will produce transfers with exceptional quality. When it comes to ink and material, that quality also comes at a significantly cheaper price per transfer. When choosing a desktop DTF printer, the BY-20’s strong ROI makes it a perfect addition to any t-shirt business.
Want to learn more about the Roland BY-20 Direct to Film Printer? Give us a call at 877.793.3278 and speak with one of our DTF Pros today.