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Fringe embroidery designs can add a three-dimensional look and feel to your projects. Making fringe or fringe fluff using an embroidery machine gives your finished product an unexpected layer of texture and depth, opening unique opportunities for all kinds of projects from art quilts to embroidery on clothing. Fringe can be applied to all fabric types and is extremely easy to accomplish!
Creating a design for fringe can be easy to accomplish with the right tools, generating endless possibilities for custom creation. Utilizing a free graphic design platform like Canva gives anyone the ability to generate custom designs.
Custom designs will need to be digitized for fringe embroidery using a special process to fringe specific areas of the pattern. The digitizer must ensure the embroidery accurately connects between plain embroidery and fringe or fringe stitch.
Outsourcing embroidery digitizing can save both time and money. Custom machine embroidery digitizing services like (ColDesi Graphics) provide embroidery digitizing services to apparel/garment manufacturers, embroidery shops, home embroiderers and more. Offering flawless conversion of custom designs into quality digitized files, ready for use.
Unlike traditional satin stitch, designs where the bobbin stitch is responsible for keeping the satin stitch in place, designs digitized for fringe apply and anchor stitch. The basic structure of machine embroidery fringe is created with a wide satin stitch anchored or locked in place on one side with a narrower running/anchor stitch. The anchor stitch tacks down the stain stitch allowing the bobbin stitch to be removed without effecting the area.
Note: Fringe embroidery designs are specially digitized with rows of satin stitches and anchor stitches that create fringe when cut.
Once the embroidery is complete, the bobbin stitches are clipped close to the anchor stitches. The bobbin stitches should be visible (Suggestion: Using a different color bobbin thread than that of the fringe area should help differentiate the bobbin stitch). The bobbin stitch should be removed as close to the anchor stitch as possible following any curves in the digitized portion of the design. Any remaining bobbin thread is removed by plucking it out with tweezers.
REMINDER: If the bobbin thread (color) is changed out during the application of fringe embroidery to differentiate the bobbin stitch from the satin stitch it should be changed back after this process is complete.
After the bobbin stitch has been removed the stain stitch will need to be lifted. Lifting or fluffing the statin stitch will free it from the fabric. The satin stitch is pulled or lifted from the base of the design to create the fringe effect. The anchor stitch holds the satin stitch in place during this process.Adding the fringe effect to your machine embroidery design produces stunning style and texture! Below is a step-by-step tutorial of how to apply fringe embroidery to your next project.
Items Needed (click to buy supplies):
1. Prep the backing and hoop using Tempo spray to adhere the towel to cut-away backing.
2. Position and tighten hoop to desired sewing field on the towel.
3. *Optional* Insert the extension table onto the embroidery machine.
4. Place embroidery hoop with towel onto the machine.
5. Upload your embroidery design to the machine and if needed rotate your design upside down.
7. Remove the hoop and towel from the embroidery machine.
8. Use a sharp tool such as a razor blade to cut down the bobbin thread from the back of the design.
9. Turn the towel to the front and use tweezers to pull up the satin stitches to create the fluffed fringe.