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Colman and Company wants to make your shopping experience a quick and easy one.
All first-time customers must create an account to place an order. We recommend you complete this process before you begin shopping. You may also log in or register after clicking the "CHECKOUT" on the Shopping Basket page.
We accept VISA, MASTERCARD, DISCOVER and AMERICAN EXPRESS through our online payment system. During this step of the checkout process, you may enter your Promotion code and Resale #.
Note: We will attempt to charge your account. If the card is denied, you will need to choose a different method of payment and re-submit the order.
Please note: If you use this site, you are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your account ID and for restricting access to your computer. You also agree to accept responsibility for all activity that may occur under your account ID and password.
For your convenience, we also offer an order-form (pdf format) which can be printed and faxed or mailed.