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For the daily maintenance of of your inkjet - UV, DTF, or UVDTF (or similar) equipment.
Classification level: Class 10-100 / ISO 4-5
These high-quality Clean Wipes are a must-have for ensuring peak performance and extending the life of your UV, DTF, and UVDTF equipment.
Specially designed for precision inkjet cleaning, these wipes are ideal for removing residue, dust, and ink buildup on sensitive surfaces and internal components. Thus, keeping your equipment running smoothly and reducing the risk of costly repairs or print issues.
** Our Clean Wipes feature meticulously cut and sealed edges, preventing fraying, which can leave fibers and compromise cleanliness.
Each bag contains 150 wipes, offering a long-lasting supply for your maintenance needs.
With these high-performance Clean Wipes, you’ll be well-equipped to maintain the quality and reliability of your inkjet systems day after day!
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